Malta Journal of Health Sciences

About us

About us

The Malta Journal of Health Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access publication that promotes the sharing and exchange of knowledge in Health Sciences. It provides a platform for novice and established researchers to share their findings, insights and views within an inter-professional context. The Journal originates within the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta.

The Malta Journal of Health Sciences encourages publication of complete, unpublished and original works of all designs and methods in the following topic areas: Applied Biomedical Science, Audiology, Communication Therapy, Community Nursing, Dietetics, Environmental Health, Food Science, Health Services Management, Medical Physics, Mental Health, Midwifery, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Radiography.

Submitted manuscripts undergo independent blind peer review, typically by two reviewers with relevant expertise. All manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible and an editorial decision is generally reached within approximately two months of submission. In exceptional cases, such as cases of force majeure, an editorial decision may not be reached within two months. Authors of manuscripts that require revisions will have a minimum of two weeks to submit their revised manuscripts.  Any manuscript that has already been published or is under consideration for publication, in the Malta Journal of Health Sciences or elsewhere, will not be considered.