
OAR@UM forms

OAR@UM forms

Fill in the form you require to deposit your research material on OAR@UM.

Consent form to deposit material in OAR@UM on behalf of UM academics or Department
N.B. This form can be filled in by administrative, technical and research staff but requires the academic staff member's or the Head of the Department's signed approval.

Consent form for UM staff to deposit personal research in OAR@UM
N.B. Administrative, technical and research staff wishing to submit their personal research, within the Department collection on OAR@UM, need the signed approval of an academic member of staff of the Department.

Consent form for students to deposit personal research in OAR@UM
N.B. Students wishing to submit their personal research, within the Department collection on OAR@UM, need the signed approval of the Supervisor.

Consent form for authors (non-UM) to deposit personal research material in OAR@UM
N.B. Non-UM researchers wishing to submit their work within the External Research Collection have to fill in this form for each item deposited and have the signed approval of a scholar/researcher in the field.

Consent form to deposit material in OAR@UM on behalf of Journal editor
N.B. A separate form needs to be filled in for each item deposited.

Consent form for students to deposit final year projects in OAR@UM
N.B. Students who are submitting their final year project should submit this consent form, endorsed by the Head of Department, Dean and project supervisor.

Consent form for students to change the access rights of their dissertation in OAR@UM to Open Access
N.B. Students wishing to change the access of their dissertation to Open Access need the signed approval of the Supervisor.